Post by The professor on Feb 27, 2011 5:42:18 GMT -5
The professor was hiding behind a pillar when he saw the insectoids coming. He had reloaded his gun already, and then dived from behind the piullar, and fired two shots at the first insectoid, then two at the one behind at, and the final two at the third one, aiming for their heads. He then roared "DALEK IRKK! I KNOW YOUR HERE! WE'VE MET, BUT IT WAS MY FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH YOU! I WILL STOP YOU FROM GETTING THE IMMORTALITY GATE, IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO IN THIS BODY!" He then started running agai, trying to find a way to get to the Gate without the daleks seeing him.
Post by The Master on Mar 2, 2011 10:41:09 GMT -5
Aware that they were hunting armed meat, the "triplets" had replaced the helmets of their space armor and activated their personal defensive screens. They weren't invulnerable, not by any means, but they were proof against any of the feeble weapons of this primitive planet. The shots bounced harmlessly from the screens.
"the meat is *tik* armed."
"this was under*clik*stood."
"the *chak* armament is no danger."
The three continued their implacable pursuit.
The pirates heaved, dragging the Gate towards the hole the Daleks had blasted in the doorway. It was heavier than it looked, even with Saflan and a Sontaran on the pulleys.
Irkk and the other Daleks slowly circled the workers, sensors primed for any movement, any sound, any heat signature. Chovek suddenly stopped and discharged a blast through an open window. Outside, a tree exploded as it's sap superheated into steam.
"Re-port," ordered Irkk.
"I o-bey." Chovek checked his readouts. "False a-larm," he responded. "I per-ceived move-ment. Fur-ther a-nal-ysis in-di-cates it to have been a na-tive ro-dent."
Irkk stared at his subordinate, but said nothing. The Daleks continued their intricate dance.
Far above the city, the Slyther subtly shifted position. Firing solutions were computed, and the primary batteries of the battlecruiser began to come online.
Post by The professor on Mar 2, 2011 11:55:43 GMT -5
The professor knew his bullets didn't have any effect. He then kept running, and typed in co-ordinates for the artifact room. He hit the teleport button, and grabbed two alpha meson pistols, and a few pulse grenades, that were of alien origin. He yelled "DALEK IRKK, I AM GOING TO STOP YOUR MINIONS!"
The professor then teleported back to the insectoids. He said "Time to fry some insects!" He then started firing at the insectoids, rapidly switching aim from one of them to another. This body had excellent markmanship. He laughed and roared "THIS IS WHAT THE TIME LORDS SHOULD HAVE DONE! WE SHOULD HAVE LEARNED TO FIGHT!"
Post by The Master on Mar 4, 2011 16:53:03 GMT -5
The four Daleks spun in unison, reacting to the teleportation signature and the explosive displacement of air.
Electron shredders and gamma bursts slashed through the air. Fast as the Daleks were, though, the beams passed through empty air as the Professor vanished again.
"Re-sume pa-trol. I will deal with this Time Lord," Irkk stated.
"I obey!" the other three chorused.
"Cap'n?" Saflan asked, continuing to pull at the ropes around the Gate.
"Yes, Saf-lan?"
"What is that guy's malfunction?"
Irkk considered that for a second. "Brea-thing. He con-tinues to breath."
The triplets staggered under the unexpected alpha-meson barrage. Personal shields radiated into the ultraviolet as they strained under the load, and the insectoids were forced to dive for cover.
"the meat is *tik* no longer unarmed."
Blindly, unwilling to expose themselves to line of sight, they returned fire with heavy blasters.
"THIS IS WHAT THE TIME LORDS SHOULD HAVE DONE!" Irkk could hear the angry shouting over the hiss and crackle of beam weapons, and the detonation of walls and decorations. "WE SHOULD HAVE LEARNED TO FIGHT!"
Irkk could only agree with that sentiment. If the Time Lords had actually learned to fight well, the War would have been much more interesting. But still...
He toggled the volume on his external speakers to maximum. "A-TTEN-TION, TIME LORD!" his grating electronic voice boomed, "YOU WILL WITH-DRAW, OR I WILL GIVE THE ORDER TO BE-GIN DES-TROY-ING THIS CITY."
Outside a lance of incomprehensibly destructive force stabbed through the sky, igniting the atmosphere in its wake. A square block of London ceased to exist, sublimating under the ravening fury of the beam. The waste heat and the overpressure cracked concrete and ignited wood and rubber for hundreds of meters around.
"C'mon, you dogs!" Saflan roared. "Only two dozen meters left!"
Post by The professor on Mar 4, 2011 16:59:08 GMT -5
The professor had dived behind a pillar as the insectoids returned fire. When he heard Irkk, his blood boiled with anger. He stuffed the blasters in his pocket, which were bigger on the inside. He stood up and then said "Dalek Irkk, if i surrender, what will you do? Will you leave the humans alone? They have not done anything wrong. Leave the gate, and come after me. I'm not the last time lord, but your not the last dalek! DALEKS STILL EXIST!" He roared the last bit, and spat on the floor.
Post by The Master on Mar 11, 2011 19:11:49 GMT -5
Irkk trained his electron shredder on the Time Lord as he stood, unarmed.
"Dalek Irkk, if i surrender, what will you do? Will you leave the humans alone? They have not done anything wrong. Leave the gate, and come after me. I'm not the last time lord, but your not the last dalek! DALEKS STILL EXIST!"
The optic probe of the travel machine was fixed on the Professor's face. There was silence for nearly a minute.
"I am aw-are that other Daleks sur-vive. I have met them. They are in-sane. They are slaves to the mem-o-ry of Dav-ros, who be-trayed us."
Irkk paused again. "If you sur-ren-der, I will end the bom-bard-ment of this city. You will then sur-ren-der your TAR-DIS to me, and I will spare your life."
Another pause. "But, I will al-so make you the same of-fer I made to Ka Fariq Gatri. Both our civ-il-i-zat-ions have been ex-ter-min-ated. There is no longer any need for war be-tween the rem-nan-ts of the Daleks and the Time Lords."
He paused, gauging the Professor's expression. "Time it-self has been de-stab-il-ized by the War. I seek to repair this, and to bring order to the un-i-verse."
Another pause. "Join us, Time Lord. We need your mas-ter-y of tem-por-al science. You need our re-sourc-es. I will make you co-Em-per-or. We will rule the u-ni-ver-se to-geth-er. Not as Daleks. Not as Time Lords. But as Lords of Cre-a-tion!"
Post by The professor on Mar 11, 2011 19:47:02 GMT -5
The professor was arguing with himself in his mind. On the one hand, Dalek Irkk's offer was tempting. Then again, on the other hand, he was also a dalek. The professor said "Fine. I surrender. I'll come with you to your ship. We can be lords of creation." The professor stared stoicly at the dalek and his comrades. He said "Lets do this. I wish to see your ship first, before we get my tardis."
Post by The Master on Mar 14, 2011 21:41:35 GMT -5
"Fine. I surrender. I'll come with you to your ship. We can be lords of creation." The professor stared stoicly at the dalek and his comrades. He said "Lets do this. I wish to see your ship first, before we get my tardis."
Inside his travel machine, Irkk blinked in surprise. That was easy, he thought. Possibly too easy. But let's see how this goes...
"Thank you," Irkk grated out loud. He activated a communications channel, keeping the external broadcast going. "Cho-vek? Or-der the Sly-ther to halt bom-bard-ment."
He spun his travel machine on its axis, keeping the optic stalk trained on the Professor. "You will - par-don me. We are allies, now. If you will fol-low me?"
The travel machine began to glide back towards the trophy room.
Outside, Saflan wiped sweat from his forehead. "Heave!" he shouted. With a final grunt of effort, the Gate disappeared inside the shuttle.
"It's loaded," Saflan said into the open channel. "We're just waiting on the Cap'n, now."
Post by The professor on Mar 15, 2011 11:08:15 GMT -5
The professor went with Irkk, a plan already formulating in his mind. He hadn't converted. he was just pretending to convert. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and said "So, Dalek Irkk, tell me. How exactly did you get out of the time war?" He was curious to know. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, using a lighter he had also pulled out. He put the lighter in his pocket and took a puff of the cigarette.
Post by The Master on Mar 19, 2011 7:25:07 GMT -5
"So, Dalek Irkk, tell me. How exactly did you get out of the time war?" He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, using a lighter he had also pulled out. He put the lighter in his pocket and took a puff of the cigarette.
"Call me Irkk, please. 'Dalek Irkk' would be the nam-ing con-ven-tion used by the Im-per-ial fac-tion. And what should I call you? Time Lord?"
He steered his travel machine through the trophy room, and along the path taken by the Gate. "As to how I es-caped the Time War, I must give credit to my sci-ence of-fi-cer." He paused, considering his words. "The Sly-ther was a command ship. I was di-rec-ting the fi-nal as-sault on the Pan-opti-con, when I was in-formed of an in-cal-cu-lable tem-po-ral surge build-ing in the Vor-tex. On the ad-vice of Paahkz, I or-dered my fleet to im-med-iate-ly with-draw."
There was a peculiar electronic noise from Irkk's travel machine, rather like a snort. "Most of them were Im-per-i-al facti-on, and re-fused an order that coun-ter-man-ded the wish-es of their mad Em-per-or. In the end, only the Sly-ther made an em-er-gen-cy time-shift."
His optic swiveled to look at the Professor. "And how did you es-cape?"
Post by The professor on Mar 19, 2011 13:49:12 GMT -5
The professor said "Ok Irkk. Me." He gulped and said "I was only 255 when i ran away from the war. I was young, and frightened. I ran, like a coward, just because of the horrors of the war. If i had stayed, i would probably be dead by now." He walked with Irkk through the trophy room.
Post by The Master on Mar 25, 2011 20:36:42 GMT -5
The professor said "Ok Irkk. Me." He gulped and said "I was only 255 when i ran away from the war. I was young, and frightened. I ran, like a coward, just because of the horrors of the war. If i had stayed, i would probably be dead by now."
"Ah," Irkk grated out, "fear."
His travel machine glided down the hallway. "Fear is an a-li-en con-cept to us. My studies seem to in-di-cate that it is sim-i-lar to cau-tion, ex-cept that it can par-a-lyze the mind."
As they reached the front lawn Saflan began to call a greeting, then went for his sidearm as he saw the Professor.
"Stand down," ordered Irkk. "He has joined us."
"Wait, what?" was Saflan's response.
"No doubt it is an all-i-ance of con-ven-ie-nce, but I am willing to give him the ben-e-fit of the doubt."
"If... if you say so, Cap'n."
"I do."
Saflan shrugged. "Well then, I obey, Cap'n." He gestured to the boarding ramp of the saucer with exaggerated courtesy. "Welcome aboard the Vrykon, sir."
Post by The professor on Mar 26, 2011 6:22:17 GMT -5
The professor smiled manicallly and said "Thank you." The professor's mind was a whril with ideas. If he could get onto the ship without them being suspicous, he could try and destroy the gate and get off of the ship, and neutralise it somehow, he would be fine. He just had to come up with a plan. He said "Can i have a tour of this magnificent ship?"
Post by The Master on Apr 3, 2011 16:16:12 GMT -5
"Can i have a tour of this magnificent ship?"
Irkk drifted up the ramp. "It can be a-rran-ged, al-though the Vry-kon is not im-pres-sive. It is a stan-dard Hew-cor-patt-ern drop ship, with max-im-um real-space ac-cel-er-a-tion of 0.11c and Vor-tex ac-cel-er-a-t-ion of 3 sps."
The ramp lifted behind them. "It is also di-men-sion-al-ly tran-scen-dent to a limited de-gree, with the in-teri-or vol-ume at 128% of ex-teri-or vol-ume."
His eyestalk rotated to Saflan. "All is secure?"
"Yes, Cap'n."
"Uuls," he said, switching to intership communications, "set a course for the co-ord-in-ates of the Pro-fes-sor's TAR-DIS."
"I obey," came the response.
The Vrykon rumbled as the gravatic drives came to full operation.
Post by The professor on Apr 5, 2011 11:20:39 GMT -5
The professor pulled out his sonic screwdriver, and pointed it at the console. He said "You know what....I've decided not to join you!" He then activated the screwdriver, hoping the screwdriver would disable the console. He then pulled out his gun at the Daleks first mate, and fired all six bullets. He quickly pocketed the gun, and slammed his hand onto the vortex manipulator, teleporting back to the manor.